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Journo-Jobs, revised edition (Jan. 21)

January 21, 2011

I’m not going to post extensively every Friday on new jobs because, really, you can (and probably will) go to Gaulin if you want a job that bad. Instead, I’ll  try to use Fridays to post on comings and goings and those job postings that say something larger about the industry.

So without further ado, Marlyn Graziano has been named publisher of the Postmedia-owned Surrey Now. She takes over for Gary Hollick. Marlyn was the editor of the paper until 2000, when she took over as editorial director of Canwest Community Publishing. Marlyn’s also been a reporter and editor at South Delta Today, North Delta Optimiest and White Rock/Surrey Sounder.

She’ll stay on as editorial director.

So good news for all Postmedia editors who want to run the show.

In other news, Kamloops Daily News city editor Susan Duncan is leaving Kamloops This Week, as tweeted by associate news editor Catherine Litt yesterday. Her job was also posted yesterday on Gaulin. Closes Jan. 21.